GA: Trashy is as trashy does.
It's all around!!! We can do it in the park. We can do it on the beach. We can stash our trash Where'er we please! 'Cause we're the famed Sea...
View ArticleLittle Frankie Guinta is no George Washington
Even though Congressman Frank Guinta comes from the Granite State, home to Mt. Washington, integrity is not his strong suit. Indeed,Guinta lied about the $350,000 in 2010;Guinta lied about the FEC...
View ArticleHomeless in Brunswick?
This front page headline from yesterday's Brunswick News is now not indexed on the electronic version. Perhaps the paper has some shame?
View ArticleCatapulting the Propaganda
"catapult the propaganda" was a phrase George W. Bush was probably not intended to parrot, but it was one of his few truthful statements in the run-up and prosecution of the aggression against Iraq. I...
View ArticlePermits to Rape
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, our conservative champion of the rule of law, has helpfully explained that "the issuance of a permit is not a matter of grace." That is, the issuers of permits...
View ArticleCutting off the nose to spite the face.
Wonder why someone would do that--cut off her nose to spite her face. Wikipedia tells us that cutting off the nose used to be (is?) a rather common punishment and that nuns did it to protect their...
View ArticleThe Lawn Guy
There is something pathetic about the lawyer for the storied Sea Island Companyworrying whether regulations aiming to promote marsh buffers and prevent chemical contamination are going to interfere...
View ArticleThe Capitol Hill Capos
It's not just Republicans that have turned Capitol Hill into an enclave of extortion and domestic terrorism. Bernie Sanders is going around the country telling the electorate that they need to turn the...
View ArticleThe Banana Split Comes to Greece
We all know about the Trojan Horse. A comparison with the Euro might be apt. But, from the perspective of today's invaders, what they're after in Greece is a triple treat.
View ArticleThe 'it' man.
When the novice U.S. Senator Barack Obama was first testing the waters of New Hampshire for a potential presidential campaign, I challenged his reliance on the first person in his speech to New...
View ArticleNothing Lame about Obama/Biden
While the President is plotting to close a prison, Vice President Biden is in Los Angeles to talk about overtime pay and increasing the minimum wage. Oh, and he's probably going to give LAPD fits...
View ArticleUpdating the "stalking horse."
It is hard to believe that a dozen years have passed since we had a really interesting presidential election. 2008, in retrospect, was a picnic in the sense that a passel of Democrats brought good...
View ArticleA HOP, a MAP, an APP and Zombie Houses
To look at Eric T. Schneiderman, the Attorney General of New York, you wouldn't think he's a hip HOP guy. And, in fact, he's just a modest bureaucrat who has embraced the acronyms of his occupation...
View ArticleToday's Two Biden Stories
One from the West coast and one from the East. One making an argument for why it would be wise for the country to abide with Biden a while longer; the other taking the argument a step further to spice...
View ArticleTalk About a Stealth Campaign
Poor Hillary's problem is that she doesn't inspire any close affection. Can you imagine people referring to her as Aunt Hillary? Supporters report that she sounds the same now as she did in 1995 on...
View Article'Do nothings' and 'do overs'
It's been quite obvious and even admitted by the denizens of the Party of No that the organization, formerly known as the Republican Party, attracts 'do nothings.' Or, in more common parlance, a bunch...
View ArticleBernie Sanders in Portsmouth, NH
Hot out of the video camera of an old friend, Herb Moyers, here's Bernie Sanders uncut. If the video is too long, hit the pause button and come back to it later.
View ArticleIt Blows the Mind
Perhaps because pharmacists used to actually mix medications and even produce pills they still jealously guard their authority to decide what it is that patients actually need.Since I've never had a...
View ArticleGlynn County Police Protecting Property
At the behest of CallawayLand, the developer of a 40 acre commercial center for a Sams Club and other tenants, whose contractors have been spewing pollutants into the adjacent waters and the air and...
View ArticleEfficiency is the issue.
I really would have preferred the larger image to be here, rather than up top, but you get the picture. Perhaps the new format appeals to viewers, but it doesn’t appeal to readers. The new format...
View ArticleAh Segregation, how wondrous thou art!
Who knew it had taken root in Utica, New York? The New York Times reports and the Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman rightfully brags that the right thing is being done.The Attorney General announced...
View ArticleIn the Discard Pile
In going through some old notes from the 2004 campaign for President, in order to decide whether it’s time to throw them out, I was reminded of GOPUSA and decided to check whether they, unlike several...
View ArticleThe Continuing Dispossession of African Americans
The title is not meant to imply that African Americans are being disposed of. The truth is that, regardless of the fact that the forty acres and a mule were never delivered, what possessions the...
View ArticleA New Legal Standard?
Many people are distressed that the financiers on Wall Street, who "lost" other people's money with which they had been entrusted for safe keeping and to "grow," haven't been punished for theft and...
View ArticleGood Intentions on the Jekyll Island Causeway
OK, so we all know where good intentions lead. I'm beginning to think it's because the intenders haven't got a clue what it means to act. That said, in the interest of Mother Nature, stupidity has to...
View Article"It's not over"
Yes, Bernie Sanders is a brave man. His civil rights histories are his John Kerry medals — the strengths the opposition attacked because “nobody expects to be attacked for having done good.” Such an...
View ArticleSold?
This email came to me purportedly from Dailykos. Does that mean my email, which is hidden, has been sold?Monica, the President has a constitutional responsibility to nominate justices to the Supreme...
View ArticleThe Compassion Con
How does the compassion con being perpetrated now differ from “I feel your pain?” The political affiliations of the proponents are supposedly different, even though the only real difference between a...
View ArticleA Twenty Thousand Dollar Snitch?
Just think, for a mere twenty thousand dollars your local government can be turned into a snitch. The vehicle? The strings that come with something called a Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance...
View ArticleTax Cuts and Jobs Act is a non-sequitur
The non-sequitur, a logical flaw which consists of two or more parts which have nothing to do with each other, is often considered to be characteristic of people who don’t think too good. We assume it...
View ArticleThe War's Come Home -- Iraq Redux
The victims of school shootings are, like the civilians killed by bombs in Iraq and the people lynched in the U.S., collateral damage–incidental to the main purpose. The object of mass extermination is...
We were not moved by the trickle of despair that leaked out of Iraq. Let us be clear. Ultimately, law enforcement is carried out by the people who govern. That is, the citizens. So, the public is the...
I have ling been accused of “generalization,” of going from a particular incident/event to a larger issue. So be it. There are some matters and tendencies that are universal. Each human is unique, but...
View ArticleConundrum
Here’s a conundrum. In 2018 there were about 9000 more registered voters in Glynn County, Georgia, than in 2016. Yet, the total number of voters both years was about 35,000.So, did people who were...
View ArticleStone, Manafort and Maverick
Why is it that the relationship between Manafort and the Maverick, John McCain, has been largely overlooked? While the fact that Manafort worked out of the Moscow office of McCain’s Congressionally...
View Article“The smell of mendacity” through the decades
While I have not infrequently referred to the current chief executive as the TV-made president, a popular culture creation, today’s reference to him as “big daddy” in Another diary adds a new dimension...
View ArticleWas it a swindle or a scam
This week Mexican imports are in the news. Fiat Chrysler and GM are looking to pay tariffs on the cars they manufacture in Mexico and sell in the U.S. Donald J Trump explains the rationale:In order not...
View ArticleNo Conflict of Interest
On January 11, 2017, nine days before his inauguration as the chief cook and bottle washer of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump held a lengthy press conference at which he announced any...
View ArticleUkrainian Connections
Ukrainians have been buying up nearly defunct manufacturing plants in the U.S. One sits on the banks of the Ohio River in West Virginia next to a coal fired power plant that has been shut down....
View ArticleCall Time on Capitol Hill
Why is call time on Capitol Hill not considered corrupt? Because the people who write the laws have decreed that it is not.Are there conditions attached? Yes, our public servants cannot use either...
View ArticleMaking Extraordinary Rendition Ordinary
That is what the American President was proposing to the President of Ukraine—that an American citizen, or two, be subject to the mercies of a foreign judicial system known to be corrupt.Extraordinary...
View ArticleHoist on their own petard
For four decades the U.S. Congress has been pretending that the POTUS or Commander in Chief sets policy and directs the affairs of the nation. Indeed, there has been some speculation that the real...
View ArticleThe Ventilator Explicated
xxYouTube VideoAn oral rendition of a post by Enrique G. Murillo, Jr.Here you go folks... for those people who don't understand what it means to be on a ventilator but want to take the chance of going...
View ArticleAddressing Conservatives
Today’s offering by the Lincoln Project is addressed to Conservatives. Though, I am not sure they are entitled to claim serving the country and following the Constitution as singular virtues.And the...
View ArticleMediocrity Stings
A couple of days ago, The Brunswick News here on the coast of Georgia printed my letter concerning the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to be a justice on the United States Supreme Court. The problem...
View ArticleThis is big; Bloomberg announces a shift
Ever since Richard Nixon officially severed the strings between currency and the relatively scarce mineral, gold, there has been an effort to achieve scarcity by an alternate route. Why? Because,...
View ArticleMissed One? "Seriously"
So, I went to check a video featuring wild bobcat sounds (they are commonly called that because their tails look bobbed) and the program suggested I might like this Lincoln Project ad. I had not seen...
View ArticleTrumpelstiltskin Has a Fit
Why? Well, he really hates being told what to do. The presidency was supposed to make him immune from the law, especially from orders to return what he borrowed. That he had signed up to carry out a...
View ArticleDumpy Trumpty has done nothing
Like his antecedent on the wall, poor Donald has done nothing. He was, however, enabled by a political establishment and financial gurus who promised him impunity, immunity and an increasing...
View ArticleMMT Rising
James K.Galbraith sounds downright optimistic. Now that we have had a second distribution from the Treasury, MMT is being validated daily. He is probably right that the attitude towards Kelton is an...
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