Mother Nature's Cupboard
In the state of Georgia, the Department of Natural Resources has the key. Good customers, who follow the rules, get to help themselves to free stuff. At the most recent meeting of the Board of...
View ArticleGeorgia: Island Planning Commission
St. Simons Island, an unincorporated community in Glynn County does have a separate Island Planning Commission with some final authority. The community turnout (some 500 people) was not entirely...
View ArticleSlowly but surely some of our mega corps are being hauled up short
A few days ago it was revealed that Dodd/Frank is indeed "working," not to break up mega banks, but to help them shrink to a more manageable size.Helping things along has been Eric Schneiderman, the...
View ArticleBigwigs on the Spit?
Bloomberg News reports that our Golden Isles are to play host to the capos of Conservative politics at the annual American Enterprise Institute World Forum. Held at the remote, luxury Sea Island resort...
View ArticleWhat's so nice about liberals?
What's so nice about liberals? You don't have to be constantly worried about what they're going to do next.Liberals are not out to steal you blind. Liberals are generous, perhaps to a fault, and may...
View ArticleSelling Out the Public
This post was previously published at Hannah Blog andLiketheDew, whose editor always adds pretty pictures to my posts.For those who don't like to follow links, here's the original:
View ArticleSettlement or Extortion?
The reports of a settlement on Sea Island, Georgia, are disturbing on many counts, not the least of which is that the Sea Island Company no longer exists. Not only have many of the assets of the...
View ArticleLegally Screwed
Some people prefer to believe there are some most powerful people who are doing them in. I'm not sure why. I'm more inclined towards the proposition that the U.S. has a very long history depriving...
View ArticleAdvocacy Works!
That's the hopeful conclusion of Pierre Howard, former Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, in response to the news that a petition by Sea Island Acquisitions to park catamarans and other toys in the dunes...
View ArticleControl
"Pollution control" has long been problematic because, as time passed, it became obvious that pollution, the flow of mostly man-made toxins into the environment, was not even lessened, never mind...
View ArticleGA: Trashy is as trashy does.
It's all around!!! We can do it in the park. We can do it on the beach. We can stash our trash Where'er we please! 'Cause we're the famed Sea...
View ArticleLittle Frankie Guinta is no George Washington
Even though Congressman Frank Guinta comes from the Granite State, home to Mt. Washington, integrity is not his strong suit. Indeed,Guinta lied about the $350,000 in 2010;Guinta lied about the FEC...
View ArticleHomeless in Brunswick?
This front page headline from yesterday's Brunswick News is now not indexed on the electronic version. Perhaps the paper has some shame?
View ArticleCatapulting the Propaganda
"catapult the propaganda" was a phrase George W. Bush was probably not intended to parrot, but it was one of his few truthful statements in the run-up and prosecution of the aggression against Iraq. I...
View ArticlePermits to Rape
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, our conservative champion of the rule of law, has helpfully explained that "the issuance of a permit is not a matter of grace." That is, the issuers of permits...
View ArticleCutting off the nose to spite the face.
Wonder why someone would do that--cut off her nose to spite her face. Wikipedia tells us that cutting off the nose used to be (is?) a rather common punishment and that nuns did it to protect their...
View ArticleThe Lawn Guy
There is something pathetic about the lawyer for the storied Sea Island Companyworrying whether regulations aiming to promote marsh buffers and prevent chemical contamination are going to interfere...
View ArticleThe Capitol Hill Capos
It's not just Republicans that have turned Capitol Hill into an enclave of extortion and domestic terrorism. Bernie Sanders is going around the country telling the electorate that they need to turn the...
View ArticleThe Banana Split Comes to Greece
We all know about the Trojan Horse. A comparison with the Euro might be apt. But, from the perspective of today's invaders, what they're after in Greece is a triple treat.
View ArticleThe 'it' man.
When the novice U.S. Senator Barack Obama was first testing the waters of New Hampshire for a potential presidential campaign, I challenged his reliance on the first person in his speech to New...
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