That's what we have in the Strafford County Democratic Committee in New Hampshire. That's what accounts for the county being a bastion of democrats in a sea of pink (New Hampshire Republicans are wishy-washy when they are not plain crazy).
The Strafford County Democrats are better than little league baseball, which can only be played in the middle of the year, because, like the Energizer bunny, they never let up. They've made political engagement a year-round avocation that doesn't stint on spaghetti suppers and mini-banquets and pot-luck picnics and the convenient yard sale to get rid of unwanted stuff.
How does this happen? Well, mostly it's the result of a handful of individuals who just never flag. Some are young and some are old, but what they have in common, I guess, is that they like people. Not all Democrats do, you know. That's why some have been sending out those doom and gloom missives about Kochs trying to cook and eat us, figuratively of course.
See how it's done below the curlicue.